Disciplines, language activities, cultures

Perspectives on teaching and learning in higher education from France and the United States (Introduction)


  • Yves Reuter
  • Christiane Donahue




This issue offers a preliminary yet in-depth introduction to research about the teaching and learning of literate activity across the disciplines in higher education in France and the United States: its academic values, educational principles, and genres. The contributing authors represent the forefront of research in each culture; the contributions identify history and evolution, current frames and questions, and a glossary of relevant terms. The issue thus foregrounds convergences across the cultures in terms of the rejection of a “transmission” model of literate activity and a symbiosis between language and disciplinary content. It foregrounds divergences in terms of theoretical frames, disciplines informing the research, and degree of attention paid specifically to higher education. The contributions lay out valuable future research paths.




How to Cite

Reuter, Y., & Donahue, C. (2008). Disciplines, language activities, cultures: Perspectives on teaching and learning in higher education from France and the United States (Introduction). L1-Educational Studies in Language and Literature, 8(2), 1–11. https://doi.org/10.17239/L1ESLL-2008.08.02.06