Factual text comprehension tasks as a tool for stimulating executive functions in 9- to 10-year-old children


  • Martin Klimovič
  • Juraj Kresila
  • Ľudmila Liptáková




executive functions, junior school aged children, L1 (Slovak language), stimulating pupil’s executive functioning, stimulating tasks, text comprehension


The qualitative analysis of the relationship of executive functions and text comprehension presented in this theoretical study provides a platform for its authors' original approach to designing their domain-specific model for cognitive stimulation in teaching/learning L1. The model for the stimulation of executive functioning in 9- to 10-year-old children utilises text comprehension as a curricular area of Slovak Language (L1) in primary education. The reason for choosing the domain of pupils' receptive competences with a focus on reading and comprehension of a factual text is in its complex, abstract and relational nature; a condition which activates executive functions. Executive functions (working memory, attentional control and cognitive planning) direct and control mental processes and metacognition organises working with acquired knowledge. Deficient executive functioning is a limiting factor for the higher level of text comprehension and knowledge integration. Enhancing pupils' cognitive performance through the stimulation of their executive functioning increases the prospect of their literacy development. This article presents: a) review of basic theoretical approaches to researching the relationship of executive functions and the processes of text comprehension, b) design of the educational model for stimulating executive functions through the processes of text comprehension, c) description of the model's application and the examples of stimulating tasks.




How to Cite

Klimovič, M., Kresila, J., & Liptáková, Ľudmila. (2017). Factual text comprehension tasks as a tool for stimulating executive functions in 9- to 10-year-old children. L1-Educational Studies in Language and Literature, 17(4), 1–22. https://doi.org/10.17239/L1ESLL-2017.17.04.03