Participation in literature and content subject classes

Culture, ethnicity and social space(s)


  • Yamin Qian
  • Tao Xiong



class participation, content subject classes, language practice, social spaces


This qualitative case study discusses six English Language learner (ELL) adolescents' experiences of language use in ESL classes, English Literature classes and content subject classes (i.e., Math and Science) in high schools of Toronto, Canada. We found that participants perceived English Literature classes as a social space of “others” where they were more likely to keep silent for several reasons. In contrast, ESL classes and content subject classes were considered as a social space of “ours” within which they participated more actively with hybrid forms of language use and sociocultural practice. This article links the findings to the nature of social spaces and language use. In particular, the content and interaction in classroom activities are explored, which form multiple social spaces for language use and impacts learning outcomes. The study concludes with a discussion on content, interaction and local practice in the school curriculum to enhance second language learning.




How to Cite

Qian, Y., & Xiong, T. (2012). Participation in literature and content subject classes: Culture, ethnicity and social space(s). L1-Educational Studies in Language and Literature, 12(2), 1–18.