Linking 'heritage language' education and plurilingual repertoires development

Evidences from drawings of Portuguese pupils in Germany.


  • Silvia Melo Pfeifer
  • Alexandra Schmidt



drawings, heritage language, plurilingual competence, social representations


This article discusses the outcomes of an investigation of social representations of Portuguese primary school pupils in Germany towards “their languages” (mainly Portuguese and German) within a theoretical framework based on the concept of “Heritage Language” and its role in the development of plurilingual competences The results of the collected data (956 drawings from pupils in 7 German Federal States) point at the existence of: i) bounds between Heritage Language and the development of Plurilingual Competence; ii) stereotyped representations towards languages and cultures; and iii) the building up of a “linguistic culture”, since the pupils have already developed attitudes, knowledge and aptitude to deal with linguistic and cultural diversity. The study emphasizes the need to develop a more consistent multilingual awareness in order to optimize attitudes, knowledge and aptitudes evinced, namely in Heritage Language classroom.




How to Cite

Melo Pfeifer, S., & Schmidt, A. (2012). Linking ’heritage language’ education and plurilingual repertoires development: Evidences from drawings of Portuguese pupils in Germany. L1-Educational Studies in Language and Literature, 12(2), 1–30.